
TMU's original emergency support benefits

掲載日 2020年6月23日

TMU will accept applications from our international students for TMU's original emergency support benefits.

We will start accepting applications from today.

If you are interested, please apply according to the following.

Support amount and number of successful applicants

Persons eligible for benefits

Financial distressed students (limited to regular students) whose part-time job income decreased by 50% or more due to the spread of COVID-19.

The decrease in part-time job income: the part-time job income per month after December 2019 will be determined by the amount before and after being affected by the new coronavirus infection.

How to apply

  1. Entry
    • Please access the URL specified on the student portal and enter from the designated entry sheet. 
  2. Attached documents (the following documents that prove the entry sheet)
    • A copy of your student ID card
    • A copy of the bankbook or cash card that describes the transfer account
    • Documents certifying the amount of part-time job income before and after the decrease (copy is possible)
    • Attachment Document Submission Form (173KB)Adobe PDF

Please submit the attached documents with the “letter pack light” to the following address after entry.

Welfare Section, Student Division,

Tokyo Metropolitan University

1-1 Minami-Osawa, Hachioji City, 192-0397

*Please clearly notify “Care of ‘TMU's original emergency support’” at the top.

*Please use (destination label URL (201KB)Adobe PDF) if possible.


Payment period

Transfer to the designated account as soon as the procedure is completed.
